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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tps or easton?

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my tps response just broke so im gonna try a 2 piece setup. I loved the feel of the tps but ive never tried an easton. Im thinkin about either gettin the synthesis grip or tps xn10 shaft and put the synthesis si core blade on either one. Which one should i get? :huh:

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May I suggest trying a Mission L2 or a Bauer XV. I havn't seen many problems with those so far. Also, I'll agree with Graz, the Synthesis is a pretty damn good shaft. Just stay away from Si-Core blades, some of them don't even have the piece of rubber in them. I've seen a couple of Si-Core Z-carbon blades break and they are the same as normal z-carbon baldes. Why pay extra for something that isn't there? <_<

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okay, I've tried an XN10 sr in whip, and it's freakin not even funny how well it performs. You gotta like the concave though. Right now I have an int XN10 (radiused corners) and it's my favourite stick. Best thing since sliced bread.

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my tps response just broke so im gonna try a 2 piece setup. I loved the feel of the tps but ive never tried an easton. Im thinkin about either gettin the synthesis grip or tps xn10 shaft and put the synthesis si core blade on either one. Which one should i get? :wacko:

i dont know about a R2 Xn10 with a si-core blade but im currently using the r2 xn10 with a regular synthesis blade and love it. it seems very well balanced, light, and shoots great.

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I've seen a couple of Si-Core Z-carbon blades break and they are the same as normal z-carbon baldes.  Why pay extra for something that isn't there?  <_<


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Honestly, the new R2 comp blades aren't much better in terms of feel than the synth comp blades. The pre-preg blade doesn't feel as nice as the old Response blades. I've been very happy with the feel of my Christian tapered comp blade. The best part is they are replacing the sock on the wood blades and the new one is much better than the old one.

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