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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone Else Ever See Something Like This?

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So I went to play in a pick up game last night at this really small private rink near my house. The rink is shorter then a normal rink in the neutral zone so it's a different type of game. Anyway, as I'm walking in to the rink I notice this van with a generator on the back and a buch of guys standing out next to it. When I look closer, I see that the guy inside the van is sharpening a skate. This dude put a sharpening mahcine in his van and sharpens skates outside of the rink! Not sure for how much or what type of job he does but I thought it was a pretty funny scene. It really not a bad idea I guess.

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In jersey here a guy used to sharpen skates out of a "roach coach" sorta lunch truck. I'm not sure if he ever drove the thing around, but the possibility was there.

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Yeah, I've seen that before. I've also seen a guy tow around a big storage unit, almost like what you tow horses around in, but inside was a little shop, with a sharpener.

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Yeah, I believe one of the times I was at a Regional Silver Stick tournament there was a guy there doing that. Pretty funny.

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At the Merrimack College in MA they have this machine, about the size of a coke machine, where you put in a couple of bucks, insert a skate into the front door, it grabs the skate and sharpens it for you! Couldn't believe my eyes!

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Ive heard of those things before, the skate sharpening machines...im sure lots of people have. I wouldnt ever trust my skates to a machine, you need a real person to make sure theyr done properly. I remember once in Peewee my teammate used it....it just kept going and going until they had to unplug the machoine because it took off the whole blade and was eating into his holder.

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At the Merrimack College in MA they have this machine, about the size of a coke machine, where you put in a couple of bucks, insert a skate into the front door, it grabs the skate and sharpens it for you! Couldn't believe my eyes!

say hello to new steel after using those. all over montreal, worst invention ever

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I guess these robots are just starting to come south. I was wondering how well they worked.

I am sure that, with the right amount of robotic technology such a thing could make a perfect grind every time. You could make one non-touching pass to meaure the blade profile, and then grind perfect edges. It was hard to see thru the door. However, I did not see any mechanism (laser positioner, etc) inside to do that. It looks more like a grinding wheel just rides along the skate. If that is all it is, then things could certainly go wrong in a hurry! For instance, what if the shape of the grinding wheel changes mid-grind, and you have to stop to reshape the wheel. Does it know to do that?

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I can't believe those things are still around. The rink I played in growing up had one for a few months, maybe a year, this was in the mid- to late-1980s. I remember one kid's skate got stuck in there and they couldn't get it out, the glass door wouldn't open...

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