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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New to Mod Squad Hockey

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Hey everyone, new guy here.

I found out about this place via the guys at the CCM forum.

Seems like a nice place to discuss gear, playing tips and such.

A little about me...

I'm a 22yo fella sweating my butt off here in sunny South Florida. I only recently got into Hockey (as Hockey was never a big thing down here until only recently). I had ALWAYS wanted to play and finally got the motivation to do so about a year ago.

So I've been playing Inline Hockey for about a year now. I've practiced my butt off and have spent the last 6 months playing at least 5 nights a week at a local outdoor rink near my apartment.

I've only played Ice Hockey a handful of times (5 to be exact, 4 of them being outdoors in Minnesota this Xmas). So basically, I am looking to make the big switch from Inline to Ice!

Anyway, I'm done boring you!

Hopefully I can benefit from being around all of you and visa versa!

(I can lend some help in the inline department) ;)

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great to have you on board (get it? :D )

it's nice to see hockey is starting to get big in the south, the more support the better, what with the lockout and all.

on a side note, there are a few hockey gurus on this board from florida so you should feel right at home

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