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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quality, Affordable Gloves

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Hey was wondering if you guys could help me out. I'm currently using a pair of Itech HG-430's , that I've been using for 5 years. They are very worn, holes in palms, one cut by finger and various scuffs. I was wondering what a pretty good affordable glove to look for is. ... so I'm not totally sure what size gloves to look for.


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I would say no, unless you get lucky on eBay. The lowest I'd say you could get a decent pair of gloves for new would be $100 CDN.

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My tps R2 was in that price range... and they're awesome gloves! i highly recommend them.... a bit tight fitting, but that's how i like them

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My tps R2 was in that price range... and they're awesome gloves! i highly recommend them.... a bit tight fitting, but that's how i like them

If you can get the R2 in your price range, it's a great glove.

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cforce, where do you live? my suggestion would be to look hard for a clearance center for national sports or sportchek or something, then go find gloves there. i got my muskoka's for $30, when they were about $150-160 regular at a clearance center

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hey, go to canadian tires

they have this easton reflex or something gloves that are really good, seniors are only 60 bux.

they are full nylon

wrist wrap 2

pretty good protection

okay palms

very comfy

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