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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To all you canucks!

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I suggest you all to stay away from telus, they run an extremly shady business(almost as bad as graf :ph34r: ) I had my Audiovox 8900 camera phone for 4 and half months and it broke. Just flat out stopped working. So i sent it in to get fixed, 5 months later i finnaly get it back. After paying 75 dollars to fix it it still isnt fixed! And all telus could say to me was, you can wait till your contract is over(1.5 years) and buy another phone with a new deal. Such a rip off, not only did they jerk me around and steal my money there employees were extremly rude and at one time said to me "too bad". Stay away from telus folks, there pure evil.

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Or go VoIP ad avoid telus at home too. It's cheaper and you can get a number from any area code you like.

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I'm stuck with Telus. Don't even get me started with them though.

The latest thing was I bought a cell phone from them with Pay and Talk cards but they did not have any phone numbers for them so I had to wait. We called Telus direct tons of times and they still said there was none. They were so nice as to offering us a long distance number in Edmonton, IDIOTS. Eventually we went to the store where we bought it to return it and they said they can get me a number right then.

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I'm with Rogers and dumping it ASAP. I was with Telus, had some problems with charging, but the reception was MUCH better than rogers and it doesn't have all of the little bug problems that I get with rogers. I am going to Telus as soon as I can to be honest, but I think with any company you'll be screwed.

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I'm with Rogers and dumping it ASAP. I was with Telus, had some problems with charging, but the reception was MUCH better than rogers and it doesn't have all of the little bug problems that I get with rogers. I am going to Telus as soon as I can to be honest, but I think with any company you'll be screwed.

rogers isnt so bad now. now that they share towers with fido.

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It's getting better, it was terrible when they were switching to their new stystem, but I still don't get service in my room/basement, class and occasionally in mall, but I never had an issue with Telus service. I'm going pay as you go regardless, just because I found everything to be a little easier and I don't use all my minutes.

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I Think it all depends were you live, because out of all the company's telus is the worst for reception, and dont have to many towers. But it seems like everywhere else they arnt to bad.

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actually, here in southern ontario, telus has by far the best coverage. i also washed my phone by accident, and fried the battery. the rest of the phone was fine, so i took my phone to the local store and told them "the battery just stopped working :ph34r: " so they gave me a new battery

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all the phone companies are horrible. they know theres a huge demand for phones so they make all these cool looking phones, and offer them at affordable prices AS LONG as you go under a huge 2 or 3 year contract. Only problem is that they only offer a 1 year warranty, and you cant even buy an extra year. They make profits off those who's phones stop working after the warranty period, and still have to pay the remaining 2 years of their contract without using it. The alternative is to buy a phone at regular price, at which even the cheapest models are upwards of $200. Its all a designed scheme. Even if you want to use the pay as you go cards, they try to lure you into the big contracts by jacking up the prices of buying a phone without a contract.

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I suggest you all to stay away from telus, they run an extremly shady business(almost as bad as graf :ph34r: ) I had my Audiovox 8900 camera phone for 4 and half months and it broke. Just flat out stopped working. So i sent it in to get fixed, 5 months later i finnaly get it back. After paying 75 dollars to fix it it still isnt fixed! And all telus could say to me was, you can wait till your contract is over(1.5 years) and buy another phone with a new deal. Such a rip off, not only did they jerk me around and steal my money there employees were extremly rude and at one time said to me "too bad". Stay away from telus folks, there pure evil.

Same exact shit happened to me with Rogers. I bought out my contract with them and then they started calling me 3 times a week to come back. I told them to get lost. I with Telus now, so far so good. My sis is with Bell and she gets into dipsutes with them almost monthly. All Cell phone companies are SHIT

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Thats weird, I havent run into a problem with Telus in ontario. I think they have the best phone selection and reception compared to some other companies.

EDIT- A few minutes after typing this I looked at my phone and there is a crack on the front LCD, must have cracked when I went snowboarding. Anyways kind of ironic how I didnt have any problems until I read this thread. Is there anyway of getting the LCD replaced or do I have to live with the crack, it stills shows the time and stuff.

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They make profits off those who's phones stop working after the warranty period, and still have to pay the remaining 2 years of their contract without using it. The alternative is to buy a phone at regular price, at which even the cheapest models are upwards of $200. Its all a designed scheme. Even if you want to use the pay as you go cards, they try to lure you into the big contracts by jacking up the prices of buying a phone without a contract.

The whole system is a scam. They pay basically only building fees for the reception towers, so they pay almost nothing there. The phones are made VERY cheaply and they best Pay as you go plans are equal to "over-time" minutes on a plan. You cannot win.

I have an extended warranty on my Rogers phone and am 90% sure Telus offered it. I felt it was a wise investment after I discovered how much fun it is to bath and talk.

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Well the last thing I can do is try to fix it myself, I have 2 friends who fixed there phones on there own after water damage. They just cleaned the guck and dust out and it worked. So maybe ill get struck with bit of luck who knows. Seeing as telus gave me a new price of 200 dollars to fix my phone, thats without getting my 75 bones back!

I also found this site, I mite give them a shot.


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Pick your poison. The plans, contracts, and minutes are set up so they make money.

I've been with Telus when they were first getting started as Clearnet here in Ontario, and gone through 4 phones in the process - buying new ones as I choose, not because of problems. I haven't changed companies because I can't be bothered changing numbers, starting a new contract/program, buying another phone, etc.

I did have two problems with my previous phone. They provided me with a free loaner while they sent it away to get repaired. After it came back it worked fine for a couple of months and started having 'issues' again. I called up some girl named Julia and she arranged for me to get a good discount on a new phone. I have had good luck with them for over 10 years now.

My dad's been with Bell forever, and couldn't be happier with his service.

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I'm with Rogers and dumping it ASAP. I was with Telus, had some problems with charging, but the reception was MUCH better than rogers and it doesn't have all of the little bug problems that I get with rogers. I am going to Telus as soon as I can to be honest, but I think with any company you'll be screwed.

rogers isnt so bad now. now that they share towers with fido.

Oh. Beacuse Im with Rogers and on my screen it said Fido where it normally said Rogers. I was wondering why it did that and now I guess I know the reason.

My screen doesn`t work. I can still phone people but I cant play games, recive text messages or do anything with it other than phone people.

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I hate losing service and having my screen turn blue for 30 seconds. That kills me, plus the girl at Rogers called my girlfriend a bitch the other day because she didn't get her bill.

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