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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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its not cold

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never too cold, here in calgary it was close to -50 with windchill, and i was out there. best thing to do is wear snowboarding goggles. then cover up the rest of your body. then its all good.

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I voted below -20C as being too cold. I've been out in -24C with the sun and little wind, but it wasn't fun even while wearing double layers. I'd still take the -20's over the slush we're getting this week though.

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he have like 5+ celcius around here...

i would love to have all ponds frozen and skate around as much as i can...

if i want to skate, i have to go to an open session and pay 3.50 EUR :(

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he have like 5+ celcius around here...

i would love to have all ponds frozen and skate around as much as i can...

if i want to skate, i have to go to an open session and pay 3.50 EUR :(

If it makes you feel any better, open hockey here in New York City is $26.

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Id go about -25 or 30 here, but with the windchill that be around -50. I think its a bit colder where i live then where most of you guys live.

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It's never really tooo cold. Sometimes it gets a bit nippy on the old outdoor but nothing we can't take up here in Canada. The coldest i ever played in was around -50 celcius without wind chill.

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he have like 5+ celcius around here...

i would love to have all ponds frozen and skate around as much as i can...

if i want to skate, i have to go to an open session and pay 3.50 EUR :(

If it makes you feel any better, open hockey here in New York City is $26.

haha here in calgary its like 5 bucks.

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Never too cold baby, I learned to play on an outside rink before my city had an arena, we sometimes played when it was -30C outside, lotsa good memories.

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Never too cold baby, I learned to play on an outside rink before my city had an arena, we sometimes played when it was -30C outside, lotsa good memories.

What, the Forum's not that old is it? Didn't it burn down and they had to rebuild?

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I usually play at -25C. I dont rly feel the cold when im going up and down the ice but then when i get home and i feel rly bad(fever) but then always the next day im good again and again hit the rink

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There hits a point where it gets so cold that the ice just chips and cracks up, instead of getting snowy like it normally does. -20 is a good place to stop playing, for the ice's sake. My Uncle set up boards and everything at his acreage, once it gets and stays at -30 it is so cold that when you try and flood the water freezes basically instantly and the ice gets totally pebbled, and then you have to zamboni it.

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