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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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famous brand sticks

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The makes all vary. Ask one of the people at the store, sometimes they can tell by the pattern what it is (Hespeller, Inno, etc).

Easton (supposedly) does not sell cosm. blems though, so none of them will be a Synnergy.

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Which model by Inno though? TrueOne, as said before? If so, i might have to pick one up, although J.R. told me that they were Patriots...

Whatever is leftover. The ones I've seen were mostly old triflexes or Patriots.

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I saw a few on the weekend. One was definately had Mogilny's pro Pattern, so I assume it was an 1100.

On a side note the "new" 1100 with the varying lies seemed to have a True-1 like blade weave. I just found it interesting.

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I have one. The problem is you don't get to choose flex at least over the internet so the one I have is pretty stiff. I like the curve a lot, its a 5, which is a mid curve with a little loft. The stick is pretty nice but the blade chips up pretty quick. One trip into the corner and it looked like someone took a bite out of it. I think mines a patriot but I'm not certain.

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How's the stick performance-wise freq? Would you recommend one?

I don't use it much to be honest because of how quickly the end of the blade got chewed up, and being that my beer league is some what gorrilla and I didn't want to break my "expensive" stick right away. When I have used it, it's really light, I love the curve and the feel of the blade takes some getting used to but if you use a composite already it's probably not a big deal.

edit: Also I probably would have choosen a less stiff version but when I bought it I didn't have a choice. It's way stiffer than my SW 5030's and that's probably why I'm using them instead. Aside from the blade chipping quickly its a pretty decent stick for the money if I played forward instead of D I would probably use it a little more. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

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