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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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slap shot

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Telling you guys, Lidstrom, LaCavalier and P91.....all excellent slapshot curves ;)

For you, I'd be spending most of my time apologizing to goalies and teammates if I used one of those. It's all preference. I grew up using smaller mid curves and that's what I shoot best with.

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Telling you guys, Lidstrom, LaCavalier and P91.....all excellent slapshot curves ;)

Well in my experiences with heel curves have tried modano, old sundin, tkachuk, and pronger, i couldnt get a good shot off with them for the life of me but then i went back to my lindross which is a mid and i had rockets, but one of my friends couldnt shoot with a mid curve so its just pp and what suits your tastes.


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Telling you guys, Lidstrom, LaCavalier and P91.....all excellent slapshot curves ;)

morrow to but the problem with all those is keeping shots down

Then you get the CCM Bonk curve ;)

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