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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just out of curiosity, i noticed that when fedorov tapes his skates, he tapes his shin pad to his tendon guard. i've tried this myself, and just could not get my ankle to be able to bend. is his tendon guard really broken in and soft to allow him to get the flexion, or is there some hidden secret?

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Different people have different skating styles. Some prefer a lot of foward flex in their skates and some dont. I think its probably because he has a different skating style, but thats just my take, but im not positive.

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I think his boots flex enough to give him some ankle freedom. However, taping the tendon guard to your leg makes the skate feel "stiffer" and give better energy return.

At least thats what it felt like to me when I tried it. I felt like I was skating faster, but it took a long time to get used to trying to balance like that.

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I think his boots flex enough to give him some ankle freedom. However, taping the tendon guard to your leg makes the skate feel "stiffer" and give better energy return.

At least thats what it felt like to me when I tried it. I felt like I was skating faster, but it took a long time to get used to trying to balance like that.

Exactly Neo, That's what I feel when I skate. I'm doing this now and will not look back since I'm used to it.

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i tried it before a practice in the dressing room, and tried to bend my ankle as in taking a stride, and i just couldn't bent my ankle without the tennon guard snapping or folding over

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i tried the tongues out and then taping around my shin pad and tennon guard with stick tape, and just couldn't bend my ankle, so now i resort to just leaving top eyehole untied, tongues out, and then taping ankles to make up for the lost support of not tieing to the top eyeholes. been working great for me

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I used to do that with my graf elites because they pretty well lost all stiffness within 2 months, and it kinda helped. It felt like it gives more support but after 4 more months I had to replace them with a higher end stiffer skate. I don't need to do it anymore.

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