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NHLers and wood sticks

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I was just wondering how many wooden sticks most NHLers might go through in a game? I dont see them breaking on ice as often, but do they wear down quicker, causing players to use many in a game?

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You don't see them break as often because its easier to tell when a wood stick is breaking than a composite, so they throw them out quicker.

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Funny you should mention Leclair, two years ago he went through 60 dozen wood sticks. Some were given to charities and some broke when he was recurving them.

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Why wouldn't leclair get it shipped to him already with his curve? Anyway, another good question is how many players still use wooden sticks. Off the top of my head I can think of 6 or 7.

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According to Leclair, they couldn't get the curve right on wood sticks. Now that he's using ETS, they can get it right and he doesn't have to recurve them.

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What's funny about the whole wood/composite argument that all these analysts seem to forget, isn't that wood didn't break near as often, but after 5 or so hard shots wood would soften up and not give as much punch. The pros hate that alot more than a stick breaking... that's why they went through so many. They'd turn to mush after a short time on the ice.

I used to break wood sticks more often than any composite i've used, but what I hated worse was that after a few slappers the things felt like putty...

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According to Leclair, they couldn't get the curve right on wood sticks. Now that he's using ETS, they can get it right and he doesn't have to recurve them.

On wood sticks, it is very hard to get an exact curve. That's why, Selanne (when using woodies) had to throw some away/donate them. He said, for every 10 wooden sticks; 4-5 will have the exact curve he wants.

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