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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Indecisive Eazy

If you have the option, which of these skates would you buy?  

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These all fit my price range, for one reason or another, and will all fit my foot. Basically looking for performance, just wouldn't mind a poll from the MSH world to hopefully help narrow down some decisions. Not sure if I'll be looking in the near future, but I'd like to have a better idea of what I want since most of the places I'll be looking are scattered across Ontario.

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I have to say the Nike boots are top notch. I have heard it does not work well on some peoples feet but who knows. They work great for me. Sometimes I even wear them over my Vector PF8's.

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pureflys with sensor. I have s500's on a sensor and it is by far the best skate I have ever used for inline. Silver Max would be my second choice, just because I would really like to try the hummer chassis.

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Hey Eazy, I'm just wondering where in Ontario, you might find the 2004 Nike Quest Hi-Ho Silver Skates? I haven't seen that skate in stores, for the last few months. Just Hockey was carrying last March, but they no longer carry it, and the Nike Store only carries the Roller Daddy and the Shadow. I'm just curious because I'm interested in getting the Hi-Ho Silver's myself. I'm hoping for a price drop into the range of $250-300 CDN, since the 2005 Nike Quest Hi-Ho Silver II Skates are coming out.

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I have a pair. There 7ee (PM me if your interested) that I got last year from Just Hockey. I'd E-mail them and see what they have left or are getting in. I've had BIG Hfit issues with them, but I think I may have found a solution to it. Most places aren't stocking in-lines yet. I'd give them a call, and possibly London SFS in London and Perani's (again in London). I didn't talk to anyone at London SFS, but I remember them carryign some high end stuff last time I was there. Give'em a call first though.

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i dunno how the boot for the silver max is... but the hummer chassis is really sweet... i feel with the hummer chassis i'm a lot faster with effortless strides

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