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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anyone know where i can get silver laces?

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i ripped mine... i need some...

oh i think this might go in roller...

but its off of my hi-ho's...

and just wondering if anyone knew... ?

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Man I doubt he wants to buy a whole new pair of skates just for the laces..........and I hope you don't mean going to a shop and swiping them.

However, if you want them THAT bad you can probably find closeout Mission FlyWeights, I think 2nd gen. w/ the FootSox Neoprene inner liner. Hot looking skate IMO..........

wish I could find a pair in my size for myself actually :ph34r:

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I don't know how often he checks the site, but you could try to shoot a PM over to username "skates" he works for BNH, maybe he could set you up with a retailer that has them.

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Here is a site with Nike Quest laces, I'm not sure if your looking exactly for these, but go take a look at www.hockey.com. Type "laces" under the search. You should see a single pack and a 12-pack for the Nike Quest Laces. Try this link, I'm not sure if it will work. <http://shop.hockey.com/search.htm?step=2&viewfrom=1&numresults=10&searchterm=laces>. Hope this helps.

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those are perfect i think

i can't quite decide if those are silver

but they look close enough...



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