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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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best car audio.

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im just looking for a couple good sites that carry good prices on subwoofers and other car audio.

i need one for my g.cherokee and i listen to mostly metal, just want to rattle up the neighbors a bit when i drive down the road.

im thinking of getting 1 12" or maybe 2 10"s. and building my own box for it.

also what kind of amps do i need? like would around a 300 watt be fine for me or higher?

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So many intangibles...

You gotta take into account the sub power, the box, all that...

Right now I'm rocking a 10" Kicker Solo-Baric (trunk is small, needed space for my hockey bag) and a 600w amp.

I have a twin 10" box, probably going to put CompVRs in so I don't have to change my amp just yet.

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I used to use Crutchfield all of the time. The key is to have a good crossover-low pass-high pass setup. You shouldn't just want it loud but crisp and clear as well.

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yea id rather have a smooth and crisp sound.

but are there any good internet sites that have more info and cheap prices?

id rather order them online and install it all myself.

im also not trying to spend more than $400 on the whole system, if that helps any.

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Crutchfield.com is pretty good, however their prices are up there.

I bought my head unit and separates off of Ebay, both items were brand new.

They have subs on there as well, however, it's a lot of money to ship those.

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Like JR I bought some of my stuff off of ebay too. I bought one Kicker comp sub off there for a great price and also MB quart tweaters(amazing sound). I also bought 2 4.5 inch LCD screens for my visors.

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So many intangibles...

You gotta take into account the sub power, the box, all that...

Right now I'm rocking a 10" Kicker Solo-Baric (trunk is small, needed space for my hockey bag) and a 600w amp.

I have a twin 10" box, probably going to put CompVRs in so I don't have to change my amp just yet.

i was just talking about those beatuy subs today, sooo nice. I use crutchfield myself, all the audio stores around here are hella expensive. I don't listen to metal, so i don't know what would suit that best, but i listen to rap and i like ridiculously loud bass, so i'm looking into moving up to 15's, possibly in bandpass, but i think that would be way to sloppy, miss the beat too much, and just be too loud.

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so i think im going to go with 1 12" pioneer TS-W2000SPL


what kind of amp should i use. im looking for one hopefully under $150 but willing to spend a little more if i need to.

i need it to power the sub and i want to use my Factory installed cd player, so will if i upgrade my normal speakers, could i hook them up through the amp for the best power or what?

also about crossovers,

is this what crossovers are?

or is this what i need?

thanks, and sorry im such an idiot about this stuff

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ok i think im going to go with pioneer, because i can find it all for very cheap on ebay.

will the pioneer GM-5000T 760w be enough to power 1 12" pioneer premier TS-W2000SPL?

im not sure about the crossover thing, but the amp says it has a built in crossover?

so should i be set buying these two things and some wire?

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If you're going to just use the amp for the subwoofer (bridged) then you'll be fine.

The low-pass setting on the amp will work, you won't need to get a separate crossover.

Use good wires (I use Monster Cable), and I'd recommend getting a 1 farad capacitor as well. You don't want to drain your battery.

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ive got 2-12 rockfords with a 800 watt sony xplod amp powering them and just recently put 4 lightning audio mid-high speakers and an apline deck. I reccomend getting some mid highs for clarity cause the subs will give u bass and the mid highs will give you a better sound

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If you want to make it so you can bareley breath, get a 13.5" W7.I would get a 7500 MTX because they have really good sound and about ¼of the price of a W7. If you want a sub with not to much power I would get a 4500 MTX.I bought a sub from XS Cargo and for 30 bucks it is REALLY good. For an amp, the W7 would need at least a 1000W. The 7500 a 800W and the 4500 a 300W should do. For mine, the sub is 800W and I use a 120W and it works fine. I would'nt suggest getting a W7 since they are huge in size and price. I would porbly go with the 2 10" 4500's.

I'm not a car audio nerd so I don't know how accurate this is but I think it is pretty accurate.

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