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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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AGE Level of hockey

what level and age level of hockey you play in  

144 members have voted

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What is HS rated in this poll?

Yeah I was just about to ask that. What is highschool equivlent to? Anybody live in Minnesota? State tournament is coming up.

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Right now, for offseason, I'm playing in 2 intermural teams, 1 of them not even beer league level, and the other is good beer league level. In season, I play college roller hockey for UCSB, so whatever that makes me on the poll...

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I play at Avon Old Farms (prep) and was invited to play Jr. B by a coach last summer. It wan't much competition compared to the prep teams (at least the jr b/prep teams comparison around here) so I voted Jr. A.

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