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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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V120 Blade problem

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After my game last night, I noticed my 2 game old V120 blade had a chunk out of the middle of the toe. I really don't want to trash it so is there anything I can do to save it for example super glue. epoxy, or is my blade doomed to explode without any warning.

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I used epox glue to fix my blade though eventually it broke. But the V120 is the most durable blade I've seen... It still amazes me how durable it actually is. Some of you know how much blades I used to use in a season...

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don't know whatz in english but ;)

its a glue, which must be mixed with a yellow/orange glue and white/clear glue.. :D

it'll be used to hold iron and wood

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I can´t judge how bad yours looks but I had something similar happen to a V120 RB and I just dented it, drenched it in instant glue and taped it up again....it was holding up for 2 more months. But as I said...not sure how yours looks

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Thanks guys I'll try the epoxy. I'll have to swipe a syringe tonight @ work and try it. If I can get my pics to be less fuzzy I'll post them. Thanks again.

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