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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf Cobra holder with perf steel

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Hey guys I have a pair of G3's on the way, but Graf wouldn't just sell me the boot because it was a staff purchase :(

Anyway, are the Cobra holder's ant good? Also, how is the steel?

I think I will give them a shot, but if I don't like them, i'll probably get the good old Tuuk + holders on them. I appreciate any input. Do the holes line up for the Tuuks if I decide to go that route? Will I ruin or weaken the boot significantly if this is done?

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I had lightspeeds installed on my 609's. No problems, new holes had to be drilled, but if it's only the second holder there isn't really a problem. I can't comment on the Cobra's, I've never used them, sorry.

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I had the cobras on my graf 705's but i hadnt tried tuuk yet and didnt realize how bad the cobras are untill using tuuk. you might actually like the cobras but it seems that most people dont stick with them long.

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General consencus on the board is the steel in Cobras is very low quality, doesn't hold much of an edge.

Though the holder is very stiff, it has a fairly aggressive forward pitch.

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I have the stock cobras on my 727s and i'm quite happy with the performance. The steel bites hard and the holder is very stiff. Its been about 2 weeks so my opinion may change but I'm happy for now. guess i'm the odd ball

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i have the regular cobras on my 705s and have had them for a about a year now. i have used both the tuuks and cobras and when i get my 707s this month i am having tuuks installed. i jus think they have a better feel

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