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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade time

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I need to get a blade for under $30 because I just broke mine. I need a junior too because its for a flipped int. shaft. I like heel curves the most. any suggestions

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I had problems with jr-woodies breaking in my converted Busch ops/shaft. I had far better results with a Louisville X1 composite (far less breakages).

However, I think those are over $30 (I bought two at a LHS when they were on sale for just $25 though quite a while back). I think Ocean Hockey has the Sr's for $35 - I bet the Jr's are less expensive ($32 maybe?).

If you like the heel curve, I think you should check out the Tkachuk curve in a TPS if you're going to go the X1 route (be sure to check out a pic online first though - just to be sure it's what you want). if you'e in a pinch and can't find it, one of my Jr X1's is a Tkachuk - I might be able to scan a pic and send it to ya.

OTHER THAN THAT: Hockey Giant has those Gear composite blades. Some folks seem to like their OPS, so the blade might be worth a try. I think those comp blades are only like $25.

Hockeymonkey has Vector V60 tetalium wood blades, and Nike quest apollo blades for under $30, as well as an Easton Ultra Lite for $34.

Out of the ones I listed though, I can only speak for the X1 out of personal experience.

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Check HockeyMonkey.com. I know they have Nike quest Apollo blades for 30., and Bauer Vapor V for 30 as well.You Also might want to Check out an Easton Ultra Lite blade or a Hybrid, or something.

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