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Getting stronger without weights?

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Kirk Muller used to run Trialthalons, and I know a few pro's that agree Aerobic conditioning is needed. However your method is very effective and will help just you'll need both to ge the full effects of your training. If he is willing to extend the work-out routine and do sprints on and off for extremely prolongued periods it will help. Also didn't Downey go for a run in the river in that program on TSN?

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Definately you gotta love his "back to the roots" approach. I do see your points in the anaerobic workout, and have different approaches within my family about it. Pops is a Marathon runner and sister is an aerobics instructor and they have varying ideas about it. I think that you need both, you can get by with just one and get amazing results as long as you believe in what you are doing and push yourself to the limits.

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push yourself to the limits.

That's the most important part. Most people just do the bare minimum they can get away with.

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It does go hand in hand with believing in your program, sometimes that can be the motivation to help you attain your goals. Jesus I sound like an infomercial

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Beleive me i'm right on this one.

This ain't me saying this, but the pros.

Sprinting is only good as in running, jogging isn't good. Always train in intervals

Think about what I said, which was "lope" to "sprint" alternating in your running (a "lope" is not a jog)..You will simulate the loading and unloading of your aerobic capacity as you would in hockey.

One of the reasons so many hockey players do not use running as a conditioning device in the season of course, is simply the logisics of playing in the winter season, and living in large cities..so alternative exercises are used.

Cross country running is an endurance event of it's own...but the key there is to be able to maintain a steady pace over varying conditions..not quite the same routine as I suggested with the alternating sprint lope. Sprint up the hills, lope down the hills...quite a difference..., The effect of loping down the hill is similar to using the bicycle after the game....it keeps the blood flowing without pushing the system, and helps flush the poisons.

Believe me when I say that I was more than holding my own at the end of a three hour on ice session with that specific training.

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You got to work on both your upper and lower body as your lower body is more important by giving you balance and strenght on your strides.Go get a gym membership for like 25$ a month and go there and workout but make sure if you wanna tone to more reps with smaller weights if you wanna put on muscle to reps with bigger reps.For strenghing ur calfs and upper legs you can go on that machine where u lay back and start pumping.

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You got to work on both your upper and lower body as your lower body is more important by giving you balance and strenght on your strides.Go get a gym membership for like 25$ a month and go there and workout but make sure if you wanna tone to more reps with smaller weights if you wanna put on muscle to reps with bigger reps.For strenghing ur calfs and upper legs you can go on that machine where u lay back and start pumping.

You know this was three years ago right? ;)

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Hey guys, I want to get stronger during this offseason and bulk up a little bit in my upper body. Only bad thing is we dont have, or have room , or have money for a weight bench or weights at my house. What is some stuff I can do to get a stronger upper body and bigger arms/chest to bulk up a little. I'm not real big, I'm only 5'8" and 135 pounds and I can pretty much get tossed around by any of the bigger guys in the league so I wanna get stronger/bigger.

Last summer I only road my bike a couple miles a few nights a week and it kept my conditioning pretty good for the start of the season so I'd like to incorporate that into getting stronger/bigger upper body.

Sorry if thats really really confusing :unsure:

Don't you have any gym close to your home you could go to?

My advise to you would be: Strenghten your midsection and legs.

Heavy deadlifts, goodmornings, rotations with a barbell on your shoulders, weighted chrunches, sidebends etc.. Different kind of squats (regular squats, frontsquats, half squats).

Benchpress and push-press are 2 other great exercises to strenghten your upper body and to add explosiveness.

Do a lot of short uphill sprints. If possible, Tie a rope to your waist and have someone to run/walk behind you, breaking your speed to add more sting into the sprints

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2004? wtf?

anyhow, The only cardio you need to be doing is HIIT (high intensity interval training). It dosen't matter if you do it on the road, a tread mill, a bike, or jumping rope. Pro Athletes tend to prefer a bike work out because there is no impact and it saves your joints.

If you want to get in better shape strength wise without weights, do sit ups, chinups, pushups and lunges.

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