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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tennis and hockey are kind of at opposite spectrums... unless you Sharapova is playing in that tournament, then I'll go buy a Coyotes jersey right away.

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Tennis and hockey are kind of at opposite spectrums... unless you Sharapova is playing in that tournament, then I'll go buy a Coyotes jersey right away.

no its not just ask fedorov like 5 years ago :D , j/k its a nice gesture for tennis channel to do this.

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I'd buy any jersey to see sharapova play tennis

...She's still underage, Chadd.

I'm not going to be 18 for awhile - I'm safe (a guy can dream, can't he?)

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I'd buy any jersey to see sharapova play tennis

...She's still underage, Chadd.

I'm not going to be 18 for awhile - I'm safe (a guy can dream, can't he?)

I'd happily register as a sexual offender the rest of my life. That would give me a reason to brag, not to mention proof of my stories.

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