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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Z-Carb Si-Core blade cracked after 10 shots

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I have mixed feelings on easton. I have had a synergy for over a year and yet have had a si-core that broke in 2 games. My synthisis coating completly peeled off but the blade is a tank. It just seems like eastons sticks are not consistant.

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It just seems like eastons sticks are not consistant.

I also believe that to be true because a buddy on my team has gone through 4

Si-Cores this year, But another buddy on my team has had his Si-Core Grip for the whole season and its still going strong.

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It just seems like eastons sticks are not consistant.

I also believe that to be true because a buddy on my team has gone through 4

Si-Cores this year, But another buddy on my team has had his Si-Core Grip for the whole season and its still going strong.

It's not necessarily that the sticks are inconsistent............some people are much harder on their sticks than others.

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