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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NBA All Star Weekend

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Did any of you guys catch Amare Stoudamire and Steve Nash in the dunk competiiton?!? :blink: PHX Suns killed everyone overall.

ya man that header dunk was crazyyyyyy.

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Does anyone have a video of it for Windows Media? I had a game last night and couldn't catch the dunk competition. I also heard Kenyon Martin's dunk was off the chain.

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I also heard Kenyon Martin's dunk was off the chain.

he wasn't in the dunk competition

but josh smith's dunk over kenyon was hella sweet

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i think it was something smith, J.R. or John smith, who had the nicest dunks of the night. the steve nash +amare dunks didn't work the first couple of times, but they were pretty cool. the worst of all time however, was anderson's, where he tried to throw it from half court but he needed like 8 tries :P

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I only saw the behind soccer pass, that one was freakin nice.

I give all the credit in that to Steve Nash. Stoudemire just had to pull a rountine alley-oop.

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