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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton SBX

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Any (on-ice)information about Easton SBX skates, both Air and Ultra Lite Pro model'04, needed!!!

I like "lether skates", now I have Bauer Classic Gold. There are not many such skates on market - those Eastons and allso Graf 704. Anything else?

Thanks for every answer...


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i love the look of leather boots, like my graf 703's, but man oh man do they ever get cut up quick. i've had to resort to nail polish and super glue on a couple occasions to repair cuts in the leather

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If you have Classic Golds you will probably enjoy the fit of the Easton SBXs. I have the 04 SBX Airs. The Eastons are a deep, wide fit and the latex padding heat molds extremely well. The lining is like suede leather; comfortable and durable, yet seem to retain water unless given at least 10-12 hours to dry. I suppose the dry flow system helps, but I use t'blades so that cancels the dry flow.

While the boot itself requires only a skate or two to break in (I didn't experience any pain per se, i.e. blisters/rubbing) the tongue is quite thick and stiff. The tongue formed nicely after about a week and a half to two weeks. The boot offers a moderate amount of protection from hard shots, and is low cut around the ankles.

According to the Mission Pitch chart Easton and Bauer have similar pitches so that should be a quick adjustment. Soft boot skates do take a little getting used to as they offer more ankle flexibility and range of motion. If you like stiff skates then the SBXs probably aren't for you. However, if you've never tried soft boot skates I highly recommend them for the skating experience. IMO, between the skating performance of my Pure Flys and the Eastons, Mission is the winner. The Missions felt more nimble and responsive. Personal preference, really. I use t'blades so I have no opinion on Easton holders.

Overall, the Easton is a fine skate. Durable, comfortable, well made with quality materials, and a great value with close out prices.

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The pitch chart is in the '04 paper Mission catalog by the Pitch holder/skates. You can't really see the details on the downloadable version of the Mission catalog on this site, yet it's there.

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Rebellion makes a number of leather boot models.

my friend had those, he loved the fit they were like slippers he said. but after like a couple weeks the boot started to rip apart where the bottom of the boot molds with the toe cap.

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I own 04 Air SBXs. i like them. then are a low cut boot so it was weird at first. they feel soo great on the feet, but the blades arent that great. the boot is alittle soft so you do feel the puck come off them, but they feel nice.

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