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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What Stick Is this?

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Maybe TPS decided to paint the thing correctly this year. Last year they sucked in that respect (I.E. Paint Chips, while delicious ,they do ruin the look of the stick and make it look shoddy)

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Maybe TPS decided to paint the thing correctly this year. Last year they sucked in that respect (I.E. Paint Chips, while delicious ,they do ruin the look of the stick and make it look shoddy)

my xn10 looks like hell and i used it for 4 games and like 2 practices.

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i saw a jr. rangers game the other day and one of the players had 3 of these sticks outside the room. Doesnt look AS bad in person, but still, i wonder what they were thinking

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The Artist for Louisville TPS is a local guy, 50+, and well he has a drinking problem. After 35 years of saucing it up the guy can't stop shaking his arm. And since he does all the orginal paint cut-outs, all the TPS sticks come out looking like a drunkard drew them . . . and that's because one did.

But seriously, I've seen better graffiti in alley's than on my pro-stock XN10. And their sticks make look terrible, their performance is exceptional.

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Agreed. I can't remember how many TPS's I've owned that had paint drips running down the shaft. MY Tour Beemer Inferno was $99.00 (before all the blow-out prices) and the graphics on it are so clean and perfect. It makes me embarresed for TPS because their sticks rock performance-wise.

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