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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what flex should i get?

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i'm 170 pounds, 5' 9, need your opinion whether to buy a 85 or 100 flex synergy. i have two different shafts one 85flex z bubble, which i find too flimsy, and a 100 flex grip lite which i find too stiff.

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It's really personal preference, I'm 6'2 185 and I love my 80-85 flex sticks. My buddy is like your size and he can't use anything thats not 110 flex. So it all has to do with the person and how everything feels to them.

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I'm tempted to say go with the 100 because a 100 in a OPS feels whippier than one on a shaft, especially the Grip Lite.

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I use a 100 flex stick and I am about 5'9 145lbs and I usually use a wrist or a snap shot.

Basically, its personal preferance...this should sound like new news to you :lol: :P

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I'm tempted to say go with the 100 because a 100 in a OPS feels whippier than one on a shaft, especially the Grip Lite.

I agree. My 100 flex ops was initially a lot flexier than a normal 100 shaft. It has gotten a lot whippier after a months use as well. However, it really is your call/feel.

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