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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blink no more

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im a owner of the official german fanclub and this really p*sses me off :(

i'll phone geffen/universal records this evening to get some new informations (got the #:D)

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guys there in their 30s and have wives and families...

hi·a·tus ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-ts)

n. pl. hi·a·tus·es or hiatus

A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break: “We are likely to be disconcerted by... hiatuses of thought†(Edmund Wilson).

Linguistics. A slight pause that occurs when two immediately adjacent vowels in consecutive syllables are pronounced, as in reality and naive.

Anatomy. A separation, aperture, fissure, or short passage in an organ or body part.

so my belief is that theyll be back... and they really didnt break up...

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hiatus... maybe they'll be the rolling stones of the 21st century? a bunch of 50 year olds holdin it down ;)

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blink wont break up!

travis had an interview with kroq and he said they really just want to have time to chill with their family.

there was no fight or something between the members.

the transplants album will be released in some months

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I hate that!! "I liked there older stuff" "Ive liked them since they were playin in the basement of my best friends from the OC's garage. Not that I am saying any of you are being insincere. Its just that when some people sya it, you know its garbage.

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I hate that!! "I liked there older stuff" "Ive liked them since they were playin in the basement of my best friends from the OC's garage. Not that I am saying any of you are being insincere. Its just that when some people sya it, you know its garbage.

I thought they were from San Diego? And no self respecting person from Orange County calls it "the OC" ;)

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Yeah, no one from here actually calls it "the OC."

We all surf though and all live at the beach... ok maybe not. Chino is in the valley of the dirt people though.

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update time:

Its over. Really.

Travis had an interview at http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/feature...-1c04karla.html

"Blink, as far as I'm concerned, is over," Barker said. "I have the Transplants going on. I have a project going on with Mark Hoppus. It's called Plus 44, and we're recording and writing as we speak. I just kind of see that as the past. It just ran its course, and now it's time for something new and fun."

Its from April 4th, so no joke.

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What was the band that had a video with I think Mark Hoppus in it. In the video, the band was playing in their apartment and Hoppus was banging on the wall telling them to be quiet. What was the band and song?

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