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CBC terminates Chris Cuthbert

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Let go by Nancy Lee, same person who terminated Ron Maclean.

He is a great play by play man for hockey and a great addition to all the other programming CBC sports. It looks like he stood up to management too much and paid the price.


Let them know what you think.


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No way! He was my favourite English hockey play-by-play announcer on CBC. (My favourite English colour man on CBC is Greg Millen). He didn't make the mistakes that some of the other announcing teams repeat.

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ya I heard about this quite a while ago and the good thing about Cuthbert is he was a diehard leafs fan like a few other announcers I know

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hes alright sometimes. but he gets annoying

The only annoying thing he says is about the OPS.

you're kidding right? The guy may be the worst announcer I've ever heard working for a major network, for any sport.

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the worst announcer? are you kidding me? unlike everyone at cbc his favorite team isn't the leafs and he actually tells you what the players did wrong and who was responsible for the goal not just that someone screwed up

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yeah and so what if he like's dion phanuf? i think hes one of the best in the business. and he doesnt go on about ops's as much as he use to.

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hes alright sometimes. but he gets annoying

The only annoying thing he says is about the OPS.

you're kidding right? The guy may be the worst announcer I've ever heard working for a major network, for any sport.

Chadd, are you talking about McGuire? I remember when you first heard him you said he wasn't as bad as we made him out to be. Now you speak the truth. I watch games on mute now, I can't stand him, his comments and his critique, he thinks he's something special...

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