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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm dying of some terrible cough here and was wondering what cough syrup, lozenges, tea, tribal dance you guys would suggest.

I don't think it's anything serious, so I'm lookin' for over the counter stuff.

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If it's just a cough that is bothering you, a doctor suggested to me to make ginger tea. I'd already tried over the counter medication. Just boil water, while it's boiling grab some ginger scrape/cut off its "skin" then take a butcher knife or something and smash it a bit. Throw the ginger in with boiled water, let it sit and the ginger permeate. You'll feel the burn down your throat.

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Just to be aware: A couple of years ago, I had a real bad cough that I couldn't shake and nothing would help. I thought I had bronchitis so I went to the doctor. He told me I had allergies and the sinus drip was causing the cough. He prescribed Allegra D and the cough cleared right up.

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Yeah I have heard good things about Fisherman's Friend.

BM: I hope that's not the case. One of my old housemates had a cough that lasted months. Doc told him pretty much the same thing, he had a sinus infection that was causing the cough. He sounded like he was gonna die everytime a fit came on.

Kinda like I do right now :(

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