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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Light-Speed Steel

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hey, ive got a pair of vapor XX skates with 296 Light-Speed holders and steel. I've had them for about 8 months and just cant break em because the steel keeps breaking so often, atleast one piece of steel every time i skate. im thinking either i should break down and buy tuuk +'s or i want to call bauer and chirp with em a bit and see what they have to say. if anyone has a phone number or e-maill addy for bauer that would be awesome. also anyone else having the same problem witht he Light-Speeds?

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ive broken about a dozen pieces of steel and yes ive used solid and perforated steel, its all light-speed steel too. i know a guy who tried to use tuuk + and he was screwed

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Is it all breaking in the same spot? If so, I would check to make sure there isn't a problem with the holder that is causing the steel to break.

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