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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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s fedorov pro?

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I tried searching and couldnt find anything, Im curious as to what curve sergei fedorov uses. If anybody has anypics that would be nice.


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just curious, im a righty and i heard he uses a curve close to a lecavalier but with a really low lie. thx guys

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I think he changed to a Lidstrom/Drury mixture recently. I saw some of his old slight mid-curves at a Perani's the other day. Blade was Adam Oates small.

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If you can find some of the older Christian Puckmasters or Pro Rites online in the Detroit pattern, you might want to pick one up.

I think they used his real curve as a template for that retail curve.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
I tried searching and couldnt find anything, Im curious as to what curve sergei fedorov uses. If anybody has anypics that would be nice.


Having made him samples while working for a previous company, I can tell you that the curve is a YP clone with the toe of the blade cut off.

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Like the last guy said, his more recent pattern is just a Drury clone with a square toe. I dont really care for that one too much. However, his old pattern was real nice. It was a mid curve similar to a Sakic, just not as open at the toe. I held up a Sakic blade next to my Fedorov one and they had the same lie too.

Those Christian blades are the same as the Fedorov pro but I found that since wood blades can be inconsistent, some of the curves on the "Detroit" blades were very small compared to his real one. I supposse you could always curve it though.

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Like the last guy said, his more recent pattern is just a Drury clone with a square toe. I dont really care for that one too much. However, his old pattern was real nice. It was a mid curve similar to a Sakic, just not as open at the toe. I held up a Sakic blade next to my Fedorov one and they had the same lie too.

Those Christian blades are the same as the Fedorov pro but I found that since wood blades can be inconsistent, some of the curves on the "Detroit" blades were very small compared to his real one. I supposse you could always curve it though.

Christian is bringing back the Detroit pattern for 2005

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sweet! will be exactly like the old pattern?

That's what they said. 5.5 lie 1/2" mid curve.

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