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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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something kinda wierd...

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Hate to mention this...the skates were listed as size 12's...the other numbers are umm maybe something different.....like maybe the grind radii. :unsure:

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thornton def. can be dirty sometimes, but think about it. Hes top 5 in the league, he gets so much more attention and crap than anybody else on the ice. He has to be able to give it back every now and then.

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My right foot is bigger than my left foot by almost a full size. So on my left foot I wear a bigger sock!

Does that feel wierd like you're slipping around in your skate? I guess that's a good way around that if it feels OK though.

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I always buy skates like that. It's because I need a size 9 in one foot and a 10 on the other. If you do buy skates like that though, make sure you talk to the manager or owner of the store to see if he minds.

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Only problem I see with that is what are you going to do with the mismatched pair?

I would not sell someone something like that...I would tell them to go custom.

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I always buy skates like that. It's because I need a size 9 in one foot and a 10 on the other. If you do buy skates like that though, make sure you talk to the manager or owner of the store to see if he minds.

I had a similar problem, so I just bought the smaller skate and streched it for the bigger foot.

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My right foot is bigger than my left foot by almost a full size. So on my left foot I wear a bigger sock!

Does that feel wierd like you're slipping around in your skate? I guess that's a good way around that if it feels OK though.

It felt a little weird at first but now its no big deal. It feels a lot better than when my right foot was getting crushed in a skate that was to small.

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Guest Boston10
I know this doesn't belong here but Joe Thornton has to be one of the dirtiest players in the NHL

Are u for real, he doesn't even hit anymore...especially during the last couple of games with the canadiens.

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