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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bad sharpening from Hockey Giant

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Whats "square" ?

I just give them away to sharp, and im from germany, they just sharp them how they want to... no special hollows like in can ;>

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square just means the height of the edges are the same. See how Jr's tool is now a straight line, that means that he fixed the "unsquare edges" in the first picture (a page or so back) and made them "square". Supposedly the feeler cannot feel anything under a 2 line difference. I am always aiming for perfect squareness as everyone is, but I limit myself to at least 1 line.

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You can use a quarter for a quick square check, credit card too. In the old days, before I was a volume sharpener, I use to use a 10" long piece of tin and a magnet, and attach to the blade. I don't use that fancy tool JR has, rather a special miniture squaring tool that has a magnet and attaches to the side of the blade. The top rests on the edges. If you can see light under one side or the other, the blade is not square. I think I got it from Centreice.com for $20-30

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30 minutes for the first sharpening? jeez, mine took not more than 5 minutes, just like a regular sharpening job :P

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Its a good idea to get to know the guy at the LHS that does the sharpening. That way you can be sure they do a good job. I had mine done last nite and I went back and watched him sharpen them to make sure he took his time.

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JR, when I get my custom's I may just have them shipped to your store...

I need to find someone around here I really trust..its such a crapshoot ...I skate with a guy who does great work (Blades by Todd) apparently..playing 4-5 nights a week makes it hard to get over to Hurst...

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i'm pretty sure hockey giant anaheim's skate sharpening trademarks are to burn the steel at the heel and to make sure you can still see the taps when you're finished.

i have to fix terrible skates every so often and i always ask where they had them done - the vast majority are hockey giant, every once in a while is play it again sports...

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