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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Rubber

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Hi all,

I've used my TPS a couple times now, and it's leaving a nasty black mess in ths palms of my gloves. I know that the textured grips/tapes on some sticks break down the gloves more than regular sticks...is the rubber coating bad for that too, or is it just esthetic.

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No, the only thing it will do is turn your gloves back, at least thats the way it went with mine, the palms on my Z-Airs are still holding up fine, and the Rubber is my main stick.

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My TPS Rubber turned my palm almost completely black after two ice times. However, i get all these little balls forming on my palm if I use black tape on the handle. My bottom hand doesn't look damaged or anything but it's just dyed black now.

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Is this the case with all rubber shafts (refering to the color of the shaft) or are we only talking about the black rubbers?

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I'm pretty sure it's only the black rubber because my rubber shaft was fine on my gloves. It only turned black when I got my Response Rubber.

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The Rubber Responses are known to bleed the black dye of the rubber onto the palms of your gloves.. this has been happening to many hockey players for a good while now..

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Is this the case with all rubber shafts (refering to the color of the shaft) or are we only talking about the black rubbers?

I would say its with all rubber shafts because my yellow rubber turned my palms yellow after a while, same thing with my friend's blue rubber.

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Would a nice coat of spray-paint solve the problem? Or is that completely ridiculous? I'm thinking of buying one for $40 on epuck, but am not really thrilled about the glove-thing or even the grip actually. I'm looking for a flexy stick for roller hockey...thats all.

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I am not really thrilled about the glove-thing or even the grip actually. I'm looking for a flexy stick for roller hockey...thats all.

Why don't you just get a Response with Whip flex?

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Would a nice coat of spray-paint solve the problem? Or is that completely ridiculous? I'm thinking of buying one for $40 on epuck, but am not really thrilled about the glove-thing or even the grip actually. I'm looking for a flexy stick for roller hockey...thats all.

you could try putting some sort of clear tape down the shaft

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I am not really thrilled about the glove-thing or even the grip actually.  I'm looking for a flexy stick for roller hockey...thats all.

Why don't you just get a Response with Whip flex?

I couldn't find a cheap enough Response, so I went with an Innovative Fedorov 260 (regular flex) shaft for $40 @ thehockeyshop. I don't have extremely high hopes or anything. Like I said, I just need a shaft I can throw a few blades in this summer for a not-too-competitive roller hockey league. Thanks for the input though guys.

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I would say its with all rubber shafts because my yellow rubber turned my palms yellow after a while, same thing with my friend's blue rubber.

Yeah, mine turned blue after just a few games.

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