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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit?

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I am in 8090 right now but the toe cap is compressing in. I am looking for a skate with a similar fit. I was thinking of vector, the L7 (more traditional fit???), and maybe the rbk line. I was wondering if anyone has some input on their fit?

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look more for a graf 625 if u have a supreme type foot... the vector no, rbk line definately not... rbk line is the shallowest fitting skate weve seen thus far

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I had a pair of grafs and could not stand them. The arches were unbearable.

Okay, how were they unbearable and which model of Grafs were they? Each model has a different fit.

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lol if they felt that way then they were the wrong size for you.... get someone to size you up who knows what theyre talking about and then do your talking

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also, what someone says doesnt always mean the same for another... maybe u have very pronated feet among other things, too much bias opinion around here

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Get the toecap punched out a little bit and you shouldn't have a problem. I have a pair of 8090's that fit me like a glove and the toe cap is absolutely perfect and I have a VERY wide forefoot.

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I mean the toe cap is folding in on itself u can see were the material is bunching up on the sides.

That sounds like a defect in the skate, not improper fitting or anything like that. Give the store where you bought them a call and if they won't do anything call Bauer directly and they should help you out, Bauer has really great customer service.

How old are your 8090's? Are they still under warranty?

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