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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Giant Buy one-Get one free sale

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I ordered two of the Hornet one piece sticks today. Hopefully they don't suck. Hard to pass up for the price. With the sale, free shipping and 20% off coupon I had they ended up costing me about $55 for the pair. B)

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I wish they would just let me buy one Carbster helmet for $20 rather than two for $40. Pretty good deal though, I guess you could get one black and one white.

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i picked up 2 carbsters and a couple of thomson blades. I asked them to send me one black/one white. I don't see why it would be a problem. I'll let you know when I get them if they sent me a mix or just two blacks.

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Yeah I picked up 2 Carbsters also, they said to put in the comment section that you would like 1 of each color and it won't be a problem.

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awesome, thats what i did. I ordered at like 11 at night, so i couldn't call. I figured i'd take a shot at it with the comments section.

On the blades, i don't know the difference. I ordered the ones on the upper right of the page, with the circular gear logo on the back of the blade. Those looked to be thicker, like a sicore knockoff. The other 2 choices looked to be a thinner blade. When i get them i'll post pics.

I hope they have more of these 2-for deals. I got 2 carbsters and 2 blades, and my buddy got 2 sets of bearings, 2 blades, and a set of wheels, plus we got 2 pucks to put us over the free shipping quota, and it came to $155 US.

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i havent used the wheels before Morrow, im hoping they are nice. great deal on them too

does anyone know where i can get abec 7s any brand in an 8 pack ?

i can only find 16 packs :(

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me and one of my buddies just bought mission carbster from the sale and they r great. hg was good enough to give us one xl and a L, it was great dealing with these guys, would also highly recomend the carnster to any one who wants a new bucket. fit is great and it is a lot more comfortable than the bauer 5000 that i was using.

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Yeah I hooked up the carbster too, I told one of my friends about it and if it fits I'll hook him up with the second lid. If not I'll have to find a way to hid if from my wife ;) I didn't even think to ask about getting one white and one black.

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How much would shipping to Hong Kong be?

And also, is it $20 for one carbster!

Can someone share a buy with me and get a black Large? (I wear a Itech HC100 large, so I'll assume large fits here?)

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How much would shipping to Hong Kong be?

And also, is it $20 for one carbster!

Can someone share a buy with me and get a black Large? (I wear a Itech HC100 large, so I'll assume large fits here?)

you have to buy 2. its a buy one get one free

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hmm... I dont' have a need for two, and the shipping would be high...

Anyone want only one and I can share a buy with? I'll pay for half of it and the shipping to me, of course...

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Try and get Accord to go in, he only wanted one. I think its free shipping in the states, he could take both and flip the one to you afterwards and you'd probably save on shipping.

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Shipping is free in the states if you order over $150 worth of stuff. Theres an exception for the gear sticks, buy 2 and they ship free. Otherwise you have to meet the $150 quota. For 2 helmets i think they only charge like 10 bucks or so to ship in the US, cuz you're only payin $40. They calculate shipping cost according to the subtotal of your order, theres a chart on the site

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I bought 2 Helmets and a set of wheels and shipping via UPS Ground was $9.95, Ground shipping takes about a week, I ordered it on Monday and it's due to arrive on this coming Tuesday the 15th.

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how long till you guys got your tracking #'s?? i haven't gotten mine yet after 4 days. usually wheni order from giant i have my gear in 4 days. they better have sent it out already, its not like the stuff isn't in stock

edit: to answer my own question for anyone else thats ordering: apparently they just started using fedex, and don't have the tracking number system set up, so you have to call to get your expected arrival date.

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UPS, FedEx, etc. It's all the same to me.

FedEx Ground is a lot cheaper than UPS Ground.

I meant that they are both shipping companies when I said they are the same to me. But yeah UPS is alot more expensive

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how long till you guys got your tracking #'s?? i haven't gotten mine yet after 4 days. usually wheni order from giant i have my gear in 4 days. they better have sent it out already, its not like the stuff isn't in stock

edit: to answer my own question for anyone else thats ordering: apparently they just started using fedex, and don't have the tracking number system set up, so you have to call to get your expected arrival date.

Just go here http://www.hockeygiant.com/orderstatus.html. And put your order number in one of the boxes depending on what it is. You will get either a page saying that the information isn't in the system yet to you will get detailed tracking information

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the gear blades fit standard shafts, but are shorter in length (compared to easton blades). i've also weighed the senior blade, it weighs in at approx 160 grams. a solid blade if you ask me.

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