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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller Pants/Girdle

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You will always have to wear inline pants. It will be your outerlayer. Girdles are an optional piece of equipment, like a neckguard in the NHL.

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I wear a gidle under my roller pants. When I didn't, I took a fall on my hip and was out for almost 2 months....been wearing one ever since.

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I want to wear a girdle, but i cant find one that isnt bulky. They all feel weird to me when im wearing them, it makes it hard for me to play. If it wouldnt make me look so goofy, I'd wear ice hockey pants.

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I want to wear a girdle, but i cant find one that isnt bulky. They all feel weird to me when im wearing them, it makes it hard for me to play. If it wouldnt make me look so goofy, I'd wear ice hockey pants.

Check out the other girdle thread. I'm using a Force Breakaway girdle and it's much lighter and more flexible than the Mission D1/D2 girdles.

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I want to wear a girdle, but i cant find one that isnt bulky. They all feel weird to me when im wearing them, it makes it hard for me to play. If it wouldnt make me look so goofy, I'd wear ice hockey pants.

taping the girdle to your legs help like wrap tape around the outside so it is more tighter fitting.

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