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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CRAZY night

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Last night had to be one of the craziest of my life. kinda long but a good read:

I'm at my friends house about 11pm, his little brother just left to drive back to school with his roomate. Phone rings, they're car broke down on the highway. Note: stretch of road they broke down on has no shoulder, so the car is sittin in the right lane, you prob see where this is going. As they're on the phone w/ my friends dad, he heard SCREEEECh BOOM! some ass hits their stalled car (they did have the lights/hazard lights on-and had the sense to be as far away from the car as possible, guy was speeding). Everyone is ok. Me, my friend, his dad get in the car and speed out there to help. When we get there, theres a mess of wrecked cars on the highway. while we were on the way, there were 2 more accidents!!! again noone hurt thank god. The guy who originally hit the stalled car took off. After that, another car hits their stalled car, then a third car hits him, both cars absolutely wrecked. THAT guy speeds off!!! Now we have my friends with their wrecked car, and some poor girl who was just hit and run on with her car totaled. Myself and the police get there at the same time, everyone is ok, filling out reports and what not, when BOOOOOOM!!! a drunk driver absolutely mashes the 2 police cars!!!!!! He takes off with no front wheels left on the car, sparks flyin everywhere!!!!. The cops, who now have no cars to chase him, take off in my friends dads truck (hes a cop, coincidentally) The drunk drove another 1/2 mile on 2 wheels, got out, and booked!!! Now theres a manhunt. helicopter came and everything!!. I'm sittin there like W.....T......F just happened, holy shit. They eventually found the guy a little while later, hiding in the park nearby, and arrested him at gunpoint.

end of game stats: 3 hit and runs, 7 wrecked cars (including 2 police cars), one manhunt, an arrest at gunpoint, and thankfully, not one person injured. I felt like i was watching one of those worlds wackiest police videos right in front of me

word to the wise: if you ever break down on a road with nowhere to pull over, and you have to leave your car sittin in the lane, put the hazards on, and get the hell away from the car!!!

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don't know where you're located, but it happened on the cross island pkwy, about a half mile right before the throgs neck bridge, on the Long island side of the bridge. long island, NY.

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don't know where you're located, but it happened on the cross island pkwy, about a half mile right before the throgs neck bridge, on the Long island side of the bridge. long island, NY.

well with all the traffic on that road, and two oe three lanes wide, people pass on the right lane all the time...not too surprising then...having driven it a few times

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I have had some similair crazy experiences. So about a year ago my jeep was stolen from right in front of my house. I get up to go to school and there is nothing in front of my house. A couple of days later, someone finds a white jeep on some train tracks behind an abanded buildng. They call my dad and my dad calls me and I take my mom's truck down there to find EVERYTHING in my jeep was gone. Heater,console,change drawer, parking pass, dome light, tool box, cd's, stereo, gloves, beanie, money, they even took off one of my bumper stickers. Anyhoo, about a month ago, I was getting Wendy's for dinner and a cop pulls behind me but stops a good 8 feet behind me. It is about 1 in the morning so he had nothing better to do and I saw him turn around to follow me in a parking lot so I knew something was going to happen. So I turn and he again follows, wait for traffic then turn right on red. As I turn, he turns his lights on and pulls me over. Then about 6 other cops come screaming next to him. I'm thinking what the hell is going on. I look behind me and turn off my music and hear screaming to get out of my car. Sure enough, EVERY cop has their gun pointed at me (had to be at least 12) So I get out slowly and I'm right off of a HUGE intersection with traffic stopped both ways with cops aiming right at me. I'm on my knees with my hands in the air and they cuff me and put me in the back of a car. I look around and their is about 10 or 12 cars and cops telling people to stop and wait. Turns out the dumbass Denver cops never put my car as recovered and they thought I was the one who stole it. But we got it worked out and I went on my way. So thanks to that experience I have learned that cops in my area are dick heads and I just try to stay away from them.

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That is one hell of an amazing story illpaseo.

And this_guy that is pretty incredible too. That's pretty ridiculous that they had that many cops and had you on your knees at gunpoint.

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