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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sweat on visor

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i switched to a oakley straight cut visor a while ago from a cage, and i love the extra visibility. but i have a problem with getting sweat on it. it's not so bad on the ice because it doesn't fog up, but on the bench where it's warmer, it does fog up because of the moisture and it's really annoying. i'm also going to be playing roller this coming spring, so it'll be just as bad if not worse.

i know there's sweatgard, but i don't wanna spend 10$ USD if there's something i can just make to stick in my helmet. has anyone tried anything that works well?

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There is this special sweatband thing that you stick in the front of your helmet that wicks away all sweat. I have one and it works really well, can't remember the name of it but I believe I got it from either EPuck or HockeyGiant.

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I cut my hair, easiest solution I could find. Fogging shouldn't be a problem playing inline, it's not usually cold in the rink for inline. I just keep a towel on the bench.

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what kind of helmet are you using? bauer 4000 large?

as the bauer 4000L can position the visor a little closer to your face than others

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