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How good are the wolves now?

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How's that work? I thought they couldn't make trades because they are NHL property? FLA doesn't have a farm team and they can just walk to wherever will take them? That's kind've cheap.

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Players can move in the AHL without changing their NHL rights. Players have been loaned to to ther teams in the past. San Antonio is tanking this year (they're out of the playoffs) it would be in Fla's best interest to let the guys move...they get to keep playing and stay sharp. I'm pretty sure the NHL team still has to give permission to the moves. It's not strictly an AHL decision.

btw, Dogs v. Wolves Friday night.

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the wolves have been one of the top teams in the AHL for years and since they are only loosly affiliaited with the Atlanta Thrasher there free to move around the league and do whatever they want which I think could lead to some major problems around the league. Its something that will probably be protested and should be looked into. Anyway go MOOSE!

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there are trades that only involve the ahl. i cant recall but i was watchin a game on sportsnet and the where talking about matt cullen being traded to whoever the team was. his NHL rights didnt get traded since it was strictly a AHL trade

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are sure Matt Cullen rights weren't traded in AHL went he went for the Ducks to the Panthers in the AHL?

im not sure if it was matt cullen but i do no they where talking a bout that sorta deal

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How's that work? I thought they couldn't make trades because they are NHL property? FLA doesn't have a farm team and they can just walk to wherever will take them? That's kind've cheap.

Players on AHL-only contracts that are not property of an NHL team can be traded among AHL teams. Players on two way contracts can be "loaned" by the NHL team but not traded during the lockout.

This particular situation makes sense as Florida wants these guys to gain playoff experience and Chicago can use the help.

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I guess the sense would rely on the team. Whether they would rather have someone like Bouwmeester and Weiss boost ticket sales, but hinder the other guys development. If it's my team, I'd have some issues with it, but I can see teams reasoning. Thanks for the clarification Chadd and Radio.

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This will only help Chicago out if JayBo actually starts playing and Weiss gets some linemates.

JayBo has been playing uninspired hockey this season and even a tongue lashing by Mike Keenan didn't help things out.

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The wolves just took over first place in their division from the Admirals. They're 12-0-1 in their last 13 games, or something close to that.

I'm an Admirals fan/season ticket holder, so its been hard to watch them let 1st place slip away from them.

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