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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Orders

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I just got in a custome graf order, boots with holders not mounted (so I can mount E RPL holders instead of stock graf). Funny thing, Graf put two right holders in the box.

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I am having mine embroidered on the tennon guard, but you can also have them embroidered along the side of the skate. On the G series, it would be at the meeting point of the carbon fiber/Grimalid sides.

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Just got my custom fitting today. Should be here in 4-6 weeks. I ordered a G3 and have to have a ton of mods done to them. I wear a size 17AAA shoe, so you can imagine how much fun it was trying to find a skate that would fit me. But when they get here, I 'll send in a pic.

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Wow man that' s rediculous. It must be just as hard to find a pair of shoes.

On a side note, I was watching a Jungle B game tonight and this one guy had great whites but they were grey on the tenon guard with his number and name on it, I wasn't sure whether I liked it or not :blink:

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The shoes are actually not too difficult to find. Usually, I can wear a 15 regular and they usually stretch out enough to fit my foot. Dress shoes, however are a different story I only went with the name so far as the cosmetics on the customs. I'm big enough (280 lbs.) and tall enough (6'5")that the last thing I need to do is order white skates to draw even more attention to myself. Besides, my LHS told me that the white leather isn't nearly as durable.

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how much is a pair of customized skates ? Just tell me any brand ;)

I'm doing a custom CCM goal pair for a customer who's left foot is 2.5 sizes larger than right. No up-charge, but you have to buy a high end skate.

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