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When the labor dispute ends..........

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Here's an idea to really get the fans point across. Once the dispute ends and real NHL games are going to be played with real NHL players, I say that each team's first regular season home game be played to an empty building. Time for the fans to speak with the one voice we have, attendance.

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Why punish ourselves?

My major concern is replacement players coming in. For high seated facilities like Toronto, Detroit, etc.. what are the season ticket holders to do? How is it justified to make the season ticket holders pay top dollars to see players they saw for 1/10th of the price last year? If they give up the seats then they won't get them back.

As for the idea, its a nice concept, but it's also upto at least $100 out of your pocket to make a stand.

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How are you punishing yourself? You own a tv, don't you? The point is that if fans show up like nothing happened then the sides won't be afraid of backlash when the next agreement expires.

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Games are better live. The majority of the people will have paid for seats anyways, and they'll notice that the Tv's ratings are strong and they have sold a good amount of tickets, which is essentially what they want to do.

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Games are better live. The majority of the people will have paid for seats anyways, and they'll notice that the Tv's ratings are strong and they have sold a good amount of tickets, which is essentially what they want to do.

The tv ratings wouldn't be affected that much. An additional 15-18 thousand viewers is barely a blip in the ratings scale. Besides, I think you're missing the point. An empty building is a gesture, it is not something expected to hurt pocketbooks, although owners who also own buildings will feel it with lost concession sales, parking proceeds and the like.

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I understand your point completely. You're thinking it'll be a stand, to let them know how frustrated the fans are. Like I said, I think its a nice idea, but think it wouldn't hurt the players or the owners because they are blaming eachother for the problems anyways. Yet each side is still profitting. I don't know what it'd take to make a "blip" on the TV ratings, but if your concept is to send a message wouldn't watching the game on TV also defeat the purpose?

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I understand your point completely. You're thinking it'll be a stand, to let them know how frustrated the fans are. Like I said, I think its a nice idea, but think it wouldn't hurt the players or the owners because they are blaming eachother for the problems anyways. Yet each side is still profitting. I don't know what it'd take to make a "blip" on the TV ratings, but if your concept is to send a message wouldn't watching the game on TV also defeat the purpose?

It wouldn't defeat the purpose one bit. The idea is the empty seats.

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It's not meant to hurt the owners or players, but it will make them take notice. As for the publicity, it won't make a mockery of the sport. Instead, it will maintain the message for a little while, reminding owners and players not to take the fans too lightly.

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you go ahead and skip the game, ive been waiting for months, almost a year for some quality live hockey, plus the Bolts will be lifting their banner during the first game cant miss that!

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you go ahead and skip the game, ive been waiting for months, almost a year for some quality live hockey, plus the Bolts will be lifting their banner during the first game cant miss that!

Nice to see that you can be so forgiving. You're the type of person the league and players are counting on and the reason neither side was in a hurry to get anything done.

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It's not meant to hurt the owners or players, but it will make them take notice.  As for the publicity, it won't make a mockery of the sport.  Instead, it will maintain the message for a little while, reminding owners and players not to take the fans too lightly.

Frankly, they has shown over and over again in the past year that they could not give one damn about the fans. They have insulted us and have taken us lightly all too many times.

Exactly, that is why it is time to turn the tables. That is why something like this is a good thing. Simple point is that we found something else to do to fill the time while they were gone, next time we'll keep finding something else to do and will never come back.

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But you haven't found something else. You're still just watching hockey, just in a different place. You're trying to trick them into thinking your not.

It's like saying I'm only going to buy their shoes on sale because they use sweatshop workers. You're still supporting them, just not giving them as much of your money.

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But you haven't found something else. You're still just watching hockey, just in a different place. You're trying to trick them into thinking your not.

Sure I have. I've found plenty of things to fill my time without the NHL. And when they see empty buildings they'll think a lot harder about the backlash next time around.

And, as I said before, the idea isn't about money, it is about the statement to be made with empty buildings. You really should get past that if you're going to debate the validity of this idea.

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Obviously you've found other things to do, but you said you would watch the games on TV instead. That's the main flaw in this "plan", that your still supporting it, just in a different way.

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Obviously you've found other things to do, but you said you would watch the games on TV instead. That's the main flaw in this "plan", that your still supporting it, just in a different way.

I think you should let your avatar enter this conversation because your not getting the point. It is a simple gesture of each team's first home game being to an empty building. It is to make them take notice that the fans do matter and have a voice. It has nothing to do with hurting wallets or the support of tv ratings or anything else. It is all about a very visible display of anger.

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