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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pattern description

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Hello hockey friends

Is there anyone of you outhere who can give a short description over what the following patterns look like, these are all pro stocks.

I'm looking for a pattern with a toe hook, open face,rounded toe and a lie about 5,5-6 in left hand. Or maybe a Sakic retail clone.





A Johansson






All patterns from Easton

This isn'n easy but a real challange

I look forward to your answers-and thanks for your help :D :D :D

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When the Pattern DB goes live, it will only be for retail patterns. We do have a pro pattern DB in our sights, but haven't yet gotten to that.

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Oh okay, I thought it was gonna be for any pattern people could get pics of sent in. I have a Carter M-1 that I could send in whenever the pro one PDB is ready to go. Sorry for highjacking your topic Leifolsson.

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Hello hockey friends

Is there anyone of you outhere who can give a short description over what the following patterns look like, these are all pro stocks.

I'm looking for a pattern with a toe hook, open face,rounded toe and a lie about 5,5-6 in left hand. Or maybe a Sakic retail clone.





A Johansson






All patterns from Easton

This isn'n easy but a real challange

I look forward to your answers-and thanks for your help :D :D :D

I can help with a few:


About a lie 5 and a mid/toe curve with no loft.


About a lie 4.5 very mild heel and very flat blade. Also has a shaved toe.


About a lie 6, some what of a short blade and a decent size heel / mid curve. No loft.

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i went by my local peranis to check out the stock of pro synergys and a lot of those were there. i do not recal seeing johansson, hamrlik, or madden. the rest of them do not really fit the description that u were looking for. the one closest i would say is the perrin.

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Thanks for your information.

Peranis have all those patterns on their homepage is there anyone that can describe the HUSELIUS pattern for me .

I know it will be a big curve but is it open or not.

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You might want to try searching eBay for some of the patterns. I've found a number of pro curves pictured in various auctions.

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