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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MP3 Player

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Depending on what you have your options set at, it can go around 5-8 on mine. That's the one glaring con I have with it.

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That's one of the reasons I like my iRiver flash mp3 player over a big HD one like an iPod--battery life. My iRiver usually goes at least 30 hours per AA battery, depending on what type of battery I use in it. Doesn't hold nearly as many songs, but it holds just as many as I need. I can't see any reason, no matter how many people tell me they need 10GB+ of space, that anyone would need any more than a 1 GB flash player.

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I think I'm just gonna settle with an mp3-cd.....200hrbat life.....700mb...plays wma's...pretty sick stuff. and all you need is a burner and a spare cd

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