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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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popped eye vessel

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Last night i was at my friends house a little intoxicated, and we started wrestling in his basement. no idea why, but it was fun at the time. so anyways, he ended up choking me, and when i woke up this morning my eye was all bloody. anything i should be worried about? and what can i do to help it?

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I got in a fight last year an my eye got all clouded with blood. I went to the ER to get stitched up a bit and they told me that blood vessels in the ete always get popped if they get hit/whatever too hard. They told me it would go away in 2-3 weeks and it did. Not too big a deal

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i got scratched one time, and the entire right side of my right eye was red, but it went away after a week or two and nothing bad has happened since. if it doesn't hurt or bother your vision, you should be okay

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Does your eye give things a reddish/pinkish tint to it? When I got my eye hacked it got that way and things would have that tint to it. Sometimes still do.

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heh...i'm a nurse, so here's my advice

go to the doctor / walk in clinic / nurse practitioner / er

though you can see fine at the moment and perhaps may be nothing, this is your vision that we're talking about and is a very serious issue. why take the chance? go see a professional and get it checked out.

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also if you wear contacts you may have to give them a rest for a week or so, but I would see an opthamalogist (eye doctor) just to make sure. It doesn't take to much time and when you think about your vision is worth it.

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