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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Special Edition Eagles

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after turning back the school gloves, i found out my response gloves are way too stiff. id like to get some Eagles, but perfer the Gold/Black SE's. any ideas on who still has them, and for how much?

also, does any one know if the new "x-tremes" are out any where? they looked/fealt alright too....

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after turning back the school gloves, i found out my response gloves are way too stiff. id like to get some Eagles, but perfer the Gold/Black SE's. any ideas on who still has them, and for how much?

also, does any one know if the new "x-tremes" are out any where? they looked/fealt alright too....

The ones that say "XP" on them?

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also, does any one know if the new "x-tremes" are out any where? they looked/fealt alright too....

I have some concerns about the stitching running down the top of the finger. It seems like it's in a place that could easily pull apart.

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i think i want the ones that kindof look like the slovakia design (if that gives you an idea) but only tried the ones the X design. are you talking about where the two different pieces come together? after thinking about it.... that makes a lot of sence.

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yeah i think im going to have to settle for some normal ones. i thought about ordering customs through work, but then remembered that they take for ever. :angry:

JR- what about the white and silver H750's from Mission. i liked those too but havnt seen any arround here.

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yeah i think im going to have to settle for some normal ones. i thought about ordering customs through work, but then remembered that they take for ever. :angry:

JR- what about the white and silver H750's from Mission. i liked those too but havnt seen any arround here.

Check hockey giant, I think they might have some there. Im not recommending heliums but its 20 minutes down the street...

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i think i want the ones that kindof look like the slovakia design (if that gives you an idea) but only tried the ones the X design. are you talking about where the two different pieces come together? after thinking about it.... that makes a lot of sence.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. It may hold up just fine, but I will have reservations until I see someone use them for a season without problems.

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