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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Barrie Colts

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it was rob hissey that scored the goal for the colts if anyone has the goal can you post it..i have yet to see it

It was #1 on the TSN Top 10 tonight....should be on the website later tonight (if it isn't already).


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Oh yeah, well when I was in novice their we're two guys on me and I knew where my friend was and I took the puck and shoveled it against the boards and shot it up in the air in back of me to where he was he caught it, and like it always is in novice if you shoot top corner you score, which he did.

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it was rob hissey that scored the goal for the colts if anyone has the goal can you post it..i have yet to see it

It was #1 on the TSN Top 10 tonight....should be on the website later tonight (if it isn't already).


Where at on the site would it be?

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it was rob hissey that scored the goal for the colts if anyone has the goal can you post it..i have yet to see it

It was #1 on the TSN Top 10 tonight....should be on the website later tonight (if it isn't already).


Where at on the site would it be?

Click on Audio/Video and then SportCentre Top 10.

You'll have to register to se it, but it's pretty quick.

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it was rob hissey that scored the goal for the colts if anyone has the goal can you post it..i have yet to see it

It was #1 on the TSN Top 10 tonight....should be on the website later tonight (if it isn't already).


Where at on the site would it be?

Click on Audio/Video and then SportCentre Top 10.

You'll have to register to se it, but it's pretty quick.

Finally got it to work, wouldnt work with Mozilla. Pretty sick goal there was some people who posted mpegs of them doing it. Best part of all, a hockey clip makes #1, wow.

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Wow, that goal was pretty sick!!!

i've seen crosby do something like that on a tsn featurette on him....and same with robby schremp, saw a clip of him handle ithe puck like in lacrosse

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It seriously isnt that hard to do..you have to know the motion of it and what exactly to do.I watched the video of Crosby doing it literally like 50 times cuz he does it so fast lol...I got it down real good after 2 days.At first I got a few blisters cuz I had to hold my stick differently cuz the stick is angled.The best tip I can give you all is to pull it in the direction parallel to your blade then quickly turn your wrists over.It is a lot easier pulling it parallel to your blade as opposed to just pulling it back.Oh and its also easier to get it if you use a really light practice puck at first then an official sized/weighted puck.

If those tips help you lemme know:)

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It's actually really easy if you just don't think about it. People get all tense and then seize up and can't do it. It is a pretty easy move to do once you get it down though, but I have to give props to that guy that takes some balls to do in a shootout/game. The best advice is just try to tip the puck up on the side of your blade and then get under it..nothing more to it than that.

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thats just sick!! i can do the pick it up and spin move but i have ZERO aim. but i tryed the between the legs and spin and i almost feel falt on my face

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I can easily pick it up Crosby style and tuck it in. Spinning ala Schremp in the OHL all star game is possible but I have no aim. I tried the Hisey move earlier today and never pulled it off. Hopefully that video helps.

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ill tell you, im the one that mik3 talks about doing it all the time, and he's right, ive been doing the move for like the last 5 years, maybe more, ive done from all angles, on roller and on ice, i find that its much easier to do on ice because the puck doesn't slide as much, ive done it on ice with a bare blade, with goalie sticks, lefty, righty, it doesn't matter, the tough part comes when someone is trying to knock you on your ass and you do it, those are the better players...

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HOT DOGGER , jk. im sure it takes skill to pull it with a goalie stick. i finally can pull it off consistently after 20-25 mins of practice.

also are u the guy in the video doing it on roller? i dont remember who posted it but someone posted a video of a guy doing it on roller, i was wondering if it was u.

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ya I just started trying it casue I never figured anyone would take it seriously. So as far as I can tell to just do the normal Crosby move your pretty much flexing you stick to lift up the puck and then scooping it up all in one motion? Correct me if Im wrong

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guys, the move is NOT a crosby, the kid wasn't even born when rob lowe was doin that move in youngblood, remember, when he's skating by himself...oh yea...(by the way, that is one of the movies i most hate)...and the player that made it popular was mike legg, so stop jockin crosby, he's got enough people up his ass with his reebok contract...im sure people have been doing that for years, way before sidney dinged up the washer and dryer in the basement...

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