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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Montreal Hockey

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What's the difference between montrealhky.com and montrealhockey.com, are they two different companies, such as one is one a distributor for the USA and one for Canada only or something?

And also, does anyone know of any good online stores that sell Montreal sticks?


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Montreal Hockey is a stick company, based in Finland. The Numminens own it.

Montreal Hockey Company is a distributor of Montreal and Tackla product in the US.

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We spent half in hour in their booth at the show and they couldn't figure out who our rep would be. The sticks are decent but really overpriced.

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I just called my LHS to see if they had any Montreal sticks, and they've got the 9944 in the thin-grip. I asked how much and they said $54.99... that seems pretty outrageous for a wooden stick, even if it is top of the line.

My LHS is also known for jacking up prices 50% above most other stores, does anyone know if the 9944's regularly are $55 bucks or is my LHS just jacking up the prices?

Also, does anyone know of any good online stores in the USA that sell Montreal sticks and other products? I haven't been able to find any.

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