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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Iv used a wooden stick my whole life. Recently i got a new TFG, my frist OPS ever. I like it but i feel like my stick handling has been effected alot, for the worse. I heard people say that a taperd shaft and a blade is better to stick handle with then a OPS. From information i gatherd from using the search i found out that most people like the t flexes. I was thinking though, that i havent heard much aboutthe new bauer XV or the mission L2. Any suggestions on what i should get to transfer from an OPS to a taperd shaft/blade combo?

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Whichever shaft feels best to you, there are some opinions on tapered shafts in the review and in this, the ice hockey section. If the feel is lacking you'll probably want a wood blade. The L-2 will be available as a shaft only, but will come out in a combo first (shaft and 2 blades).

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I know that ultimitly its what i think feels best. But iam asking for advice from you guys so maybe the first stick i buy feels good enough so that i dont have to buy 50 sticks before one feels good in my hands. Everyone on my summer hockey team has OPS, so i cant ask to try one of their shafts out because they dont have any.

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Alot of people have difficulty with stickhandling on their OPS, most miss the feel of a wood stick, that is why a tapered combo with wood blade should work very well for you. In the link there are alot of opinions and which shafts are prefered. You could also list what you are thinking of and poll it to see which others find best.

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Tapered and wood is a great combo, though the new Hespler Nemesis Alpha I've been using has great feel.

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What pattern did you use with the woodies and what pattern did you get with your TFG? A difference, particularly the lie, may be the cause or at least part of your stickhandling woes.

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In response to the original post:

I'm guessing that you aren't used to the feel of composite sticks. Before getting a shaft that you may not like, you may want to ask yourself what it is about the TFG OPS that affects your stickhandling: balance, weight, feel, flex, curve, etc. It's rather hard to suggest the perfect first shaft. You may not like composites at all no matter how many shafts you go through.

IMHO I don't feel any noticable difference for just stickhandling for tapered, standard or OPS in general (shooting's a different story). Like ljack said earlier, your best bet is a wood blade in a shaft if feel is the problem.

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Guest phillyfan

I cannot comment on the XV or L2, but will offer an alternative. I've been on and off with the Synthesis, and it's been one of the better shafts I have used. I'd suggest the Synthesis over the T-flex in my opinion. You have the option of wood blades as well for the Synthesis, that may help your composite blade issues as well.

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