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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM's new inline chassis

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It looks like CCM is coming out with a new inline chassis to replace the hi-lo. It's called the tri-di chassis, and has a 72-76-76-80mm wheel setup. It looks like the 76mm 2nd wheel makes the chassis taller than a hi-lo, but the overall length should be the same. Oh, and the first wheel is rockered.

I've just seen these on paper, so has anyone seen one in person, or tried skating on one?

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My friend bought a pair of ccm skates two days ago that had a chassis that wasnt supposed to be on it was 72-76-76-80 the chassis was silver with a little blue and the front and back wheels were green and the middle was blue. He took the skates back and got missions instead because he thought the skates had a bad chassis. It could have been the new one.

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My friend bought a pair of ccm skates two days ago that had a chassis that wasnt supposed to be on it was 72-76-76-80 the chassis was silver with a little blue and the front and back wheels were green and the middle was blue.

What skates were they? Outcasts or something?

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I've also heard that only the Bandi and Rush skates are available with the new chassis so far, the rest coming latter.

As for being like the old Easton Big Wheel chassis, it's more like an inverted bigwheel chassis. If you switched the first and second wheels around, and did the same with the third and fourth, you'd have a big wheel set-up, though with different sizes.

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the tri-di must be the new chassis Justin eluded to in an earlier post. Good work on spotting them, where on paper did you catch a glimpse?

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GekigangarIII they were on the ccm rush. I talked to my friend at our game last night and he asid it said tri something on the chassis so it must have been the new tri-di chassis. They were at a summit sports not sure which one but i could find out if anyone wants to know. The display model they had didnt hvae the new chassis but the ones they have in stock do.

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mission hockey hold the patent on the hi-lo chassis,so all other skate companies have to come up with new wheel size combo.tour did a good job,lets see who else could come out with new wheel size chassis combo.

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