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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cheap wooden blades

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1) Does anyone know of any online stores that are having closeout deals on cheap wooden blades, for like 4 bucks each or something like that? The brand, pattern, etc. doesn't matter. I just bought one of those ProCurve devices so I can make my own custom curves and i'd like to buy a bunch of cheap wooden blades to experiment with.

2) Also, if I bought a left hand blade and turned it into a right hand blade, would such a drastic change of the blade shape result in it being very weak, even if I use the least amount of heat possible?

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look for the old christians, those used to be king for custom curves.

I had better luck with the Branches. They were really thin and didn't take much heat.

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look for the old christians, those used to be king for custom curves.

I had better luck with the Branches. They were really thin and didn't take much heat.

Know where I can find cheap Branches blades? :D

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