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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Adrenaline-Frist Impressions

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Today at work we got the new TPS Adrenaline stick and this post is just a little recap on it. Frist thing I noticed is that this stick looks alot better in the shop than it does in all the pictures. The graphics on it are stickers (like on the CCM V130) this dissiponted me because it makes the stick look cheap and TPS does not make a cheap product. The Adrenaline did feel very soild just holding it in my hands unlike the XN10. Im going to buy one soon and I will keep you guys posted on it.

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Today at work we got the new TPS Adrenaline stick and this post is just a little recap on it. Frist thing I noticed is that this stick looks alot better in the shop than it does in all the pictures. The graphics on it are stickers (like on the CCM V130) this dissiponted me because it makes the stick look cheap and TPS does not make a cheap product. The Adrenaline did feel very soild just holding it in my hands unlike the XN10. Im going to buy one soon and I will keep you guys posted on it.

Maybe its a good thing that the graphics are stickers. You can just peel off the shock wave lightningy sticker thing and it looks normal.

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